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I was out this evening for a walk along the hedgerows looking for rose hips, It was possibly one of the most gorgeous evenings of the year and I spent most of it just gazing around. Every break in the hedge, looked out onto golden sun soaked fields and the mountains in the far background. I got a load of rose hips in-between gazing around and taking it all in. If you every get the chance to take a few hours out and go foraging, do it (especially at this time of year). It is weirdly addictive, once you get started and when you get home and make something from it, you really get a sense of connection with the land. Something, that is easily lost these days.

I hope you enjoy these photos! Recipes for some of our forged treats to follow.

walk through woods in  Ballynoe Stone

walk through woods in Ballynoe Stone

sunset in Ballnoe

sunset in Ballnoe

Photo Journal - Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal – Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal - Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal – Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal - Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal – Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset


Photo Journal - Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal – Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal - Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal – Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal - Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal – Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset


Photo Journal - Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Photo Journal – Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset

Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset The Bearded Candle Maker

Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset The Bearded Candle Maker

Sunset in Ireland
sunset in Ireland

Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset view over the hills
Cow Parsley Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset The Bearded Candle Maker
Ballynoe Stone Circle sunset The Bearded Candle Maker Berrys